
HaPpY bIRtHdAy tO yOu....!!!!

Happy birthday to u... Happy birthday to u... Happy birthday to dear..... Happy birthday to u...!!! Did u read this in the typical happy birthday tone...??? Yes?? No?? Well, the purpose of this post is to know how actually people read things. It is proved that when we read something that we have heard many many times earlier and it follows a typical tune, our mind subconsciously reads in the same tone. So if you read the above lines in the typical birthday song way, it is because you have heard these lines so many times that the tune is registered in your mind and so you read it, recollecting the same tune in your mind...!!! Ohkkk..Now enough with my P hekology ..!!! ;) The purpose of this post is not what is stated above. It is a simple post dedicated to someone special born this day... err.... Are you thinking I am gonna write about Mahatma Gandhi???? Na..naaa...Its my brothers birthday today... What a birth date.. shares it with The Greatest Follower of peace, non-violence and truth

What's your Rashee???

Rashees.... Sun signs.. These facts amaze me a lot.....!! I am not superstitious and I think sun signs don't have anything to do with superstitions too.. But I have come across many people who think just think of all these things as same. That's a different issue..... Talking about sun signs, the part about sun signs that I like the most and I always look out for is the Personality Traits . As per the the Zodiac all the people in the world can be divided into 12 distinct groups based on their birth dates. Each group of people have some special characteristics. Now it is not possible that there are only 12 types of people that exist in the world. But this classification gives the major characteristics of these people , their nature ,their behaviour and approach toward things. People with same sun signs can also have different characteristics but there are similarities in general. Males and females of the same sun signs too have different personalities. The future predictions l

Awarded...... !!! :)

My first award. :) Awarded to me by Anoop. Thanks a lot for awarding this to me. :) Actually I dint even know much about this award thing on blogs. But now I know.. Rules for the award : - List five current obsessions. - Pass the award on to your favourtie and more fabulous blogs. - On your post of receiving this award, make sure you include the person that gave you the award and link it back to them. - When you post your winners, make sure you link them as well. - Don’t forget to let your winners know they won an award from you by leaving a comment on their blog. My 5 current obsessions: 1. Books : Books and reading.... My anytime obsession. 2. My blog : This is my first blog.. Dint know I would be obsessed so much with it... But I am... !!! 3. Poets Of The Fall : I have just heard the songs of the band a couple of months ago and these are the songs I am obsessed with of late.... 4. Chatting : It was an obsession when I started chatting initially but since the last year, I had

Guilty or Innocent......!!

Again a Tag.... I just love doing this Tag exercise and so was really very happy when Chandana Shekhar tagged me with this one...Thanks... Here are the rules : RULE 1 You can only say Guilty or Innocent. RULE 2 You are not allowed to explain anything unless someone messages you and asks! RULE 3 Copy and paste this into your notes , delete my answers, type in your answers and tag to your friends to answer this. So here I give my statements : Asked someone to marry you? Innocent. Ever kissed someone of the same sex? Innocent. Danced on a table in a bar? Innocent. Ever told a lie? Guilty. Had feelings for someone whom you can’t have back? Innocent. Kissed a picture? Guilty. Slept in until 5 PM? Innocent. Fallen asleep at work/school? Guilty. Held a snake? Innocent. Been suspended from school? Innocent. Worked at a fast food restaurant? Innocent. Stolen from a store? Innocent. Been fired from a job? Innocent. Done something you regret? Guilty. Laughed until something you were drinking ca