Someone has said, “Patience is a virtue. Possess it if you can. Seldom found in Woman, Never found in Man” Do you agree to it?? Talking about myself, I think I am patient a lot. I am never in a haste to get something or complete my task. I can wait for a reasonable amount of time. Also I try to be patient and calm when someone around me is angry. So,in this way, I am patient. But..But...But...there are times when I turn impatient too.. When I know something half through, I have to know it completely then and there. There are sometimes when I want to know the things or tell something and I get impatient.. Happening a lot with me lately.... Talking about Men....Ahem Ahem..... Well... Not about all.... Just want to talk about one of my friends who is very, very, very patient...(Pun intended...!!!) Some days ago, while I was sitting with my friends in the canteen, discussing over something, my Friend Bharat said "You all are stressing my patience.." I thought I heard something ou...