Don't Stress my Pateince....

Someone has said, “Patience is a virtue. Possess it if you can. Seldom found in Woman, Never found in Man”

Do you agree to it??

Talking about myself, I think I am patient a lot. I am never in a haste to get something or complete my task. I can wait for a reasonable amount of time. Also I try to be patient and calm when someone around me is angry. So,in this way, I am patient.

But..But...But...there are times when I turn impatient too.. When I know something half through, I have to know it completely then and there. There are sometimes when I want to know the things or tell something and I get impatient.. Happening a lot with me lately....

Talking about Men....Ahem Ahem.....

Well... Not about all.... Just want to talk about one of my friends who is very, very, very patient...(Pun intended...!!!)

Some days ago, while I was sitting with my friends in the canteen, discussing over something, my Friend Bharat said "You all are stressing my patience.." I thought I heard something out of the way.. But none of my other friends seemed to notice the words. So I kept quite and the conversation went on.

Again after a few minutes, I told something to my friend who was on the other end of table.. She began laughing. Now it so happened that Bharat did not get the joke or something and he asked me, "What did you say..??"

Now, to this we all replied in unison, "Nothing..You wont understand..!!"

He was so so so frustrated over it that he spoke the same thing "You all are stressing my patience.." This time I was sure I heard it correctly.

I asked... "Stressing my patience..What kind of English is that..??"

He replied back,"That's MY ENGLISH...!!"

I was so amused to hear it. Now this is such a cute part about him.. He gets impatient very very soon. Just start telling him "A..." n then stop.. He would get impatient and again the trademark dialogue. I have never come across any such person in my life yet... Its very unique about him.

He is impatient about so many things... about knowing what we talk...what we do... Even if I get a bit late in replying to him, he would message back, "Reply fast...!!"

Once there was an SMS I got, " Tell me one thing that you don't like about me." When I forwarded it to him, I got the reply- "You all stress my patience....!! You don't tell me so many things..."

There have been so many occasions when we are talking about something else and from there the topic changes to "Don't stress my patience..!!!"

Now I have got so much used to this dialogue that even when I hear or say the word "Patience" the next word I remember is "Stress"..!!

A small suggestion for you Bharat....

"Don't be stressed...Be Patient..!!"

So when does your patience get Stressed???


good one...welll stress and patience go hand in hand...just like two enemy yet frds...he a great virtue possessed by a helps him to sail out from the sea of difficulty.
Unknown said…
bharat will be very happy 2 see that u have written smthng 4 him.....!!
I don't think the value of patience can be stressed enough. It is very important :P
Mingled Minds said…
patience and guys....they both go in two different directions.... :D...
Unknown said…
Patience is a virtue for sure but what if virtue is stressed?
It happens many a times that we have to tolerate things but thats not patience in any case. We go and take out our temper on something else. Wait is long sometimes. We can't wait the whole life to win or lose..:)
Stressing the patience still...

Great thought..


Ganesh_Dalal said…
ha ha...
though I don't agree with the last four words of the opening line...
Ordinary Gal said…
I was impatient girl but now I can say that I have developed patience for many things...nice post btw :)
dam said…
he he nice1.......bharatya vl b happy 2 read this post and after reading this m sure he s gonna laugh lyk realy boys r impatient and wht 2 say abt baharat????i jus lv stressing his patience!!!!!!!
No Name said…
Thnx a lot yaar....!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dam ne sahi comment diya hai. I ws started laughing in cyber. cyber owner come 2 me n said- "Try 2 b patient...!!!!!!!!!":)

Nw i vl try 2 b patient!!

And then Guess what u vl fimd me in mental hospital as a PATIENT!!:D

Again a BIGGGGG Thank!!
buckingfastard said…
stressing my dats nicely oxymoronic...luv it bharat!! will borrow this quote frm u :P
deepa kashyap said…
i ws extremly impatient fr many things till few days back bt life taught me be to patient :D
nice post :)
Harini said…
The worst part of being as patient as me is people think that you can take anything and they can do anything. Being patient doesnt mean you are a push over :P. But yeah, i think everyones patience has a limit beyond that they become impatient too.
Firebolt said…

Maybe your friend picked up a wrong word from the phrase 'test my patience' and swapped test with stress..


Patience is as rare as a diamond today.. the biggest example - Airtel launched it's latest broadband service called 'Impatience'!!!


Great post!
Unknown said…
man, stress my patience...eccentric notion i guess, as far as ur post, its beatific,very well paced n kinda abl 2 hold till d end,ur template is awesome, almost thot of stealing it
Anonymous said…
HAahhaaa..i was really stressed before reading this post , but became patient ooppsss learned patience..:P..Nice post yaar ...i loved the style :) too cool :D
Esther said…
Now that reminds me of this quote "A gentleman is a patient wolf" :P

Patience is very important! Without patience i don't think its easy to achieve anything else!

I have a list of experiences of how worst situations turned out to be when i was impatient! :P Because impatience leads to anger sometimes!

And people often end up doing the reverse of what had to be done!

So be patient... :P Don't become a patient :D
rohini said…
nice post...its conincident..that i was wishing to write a post on this topic...ur patience quotient matches with mine...
about Bharat...the line was too innovative....
Absurdist said…
hey... yo narrative style is very good.. loved it..
Urvashi said…
@Niraj : Exactly.. they go together yet are so so different...!!!

@Binal : Hmm..he really liked it a lot.. :))

@Shaunak : Ohh..ohh..!! Stress as a verb.... innovative.. :) :)

@Mingled Minds : Hmm..true in almost al lthe cases.. :) :P

@Nipun : Yeah..... you can have patience n wait only for a reasonable time.. :)

@ Ganesh : Hmmm....U r the first to oppose on tht opening quote.... :P

There are exceptions, of course..!! :)

@An Ordianry Gal : Developing patience is a tough job....gr8 u r developing it.. : ) :)

@Dam : Stressing his patience.. I love tht too.....!!! :)

@Bharat :Welcome to my Blog firstly.. :) :)

Control dear...!!!Be patient... ;) :) being patient lands u up as a PATIENT, then u r better off as IMPATIENT.. :D

U r welcome.. :)
Urvashi said…
@BF: Ohh.... Copycat.. ;) :P

@Deepa : U r being patient lately....Thts nice.... :) :)

@Harini : U r one shd take advantage of our patience till the point we are stressed... !!

@Firebolt: Ur rite..he swapped TEST with STRESs but purposely.. :) :)

abt the Airtel venture.. Ohh Ireally did not know abt it... gr8 name.. :) :)

@Vineet : Thnks :) :) Lemme knw if u steal the tempalte .. :) :)

@aDreamyGal : Thnks dear... :) :)

@Esther : Nice quote yaar.. :)

Definitely impatience can lead to many undesired incidents... it imp to develop patience. .:) :)

@Rohini : Hehe..thts nice..inch pinch.. :) :)

@ImpureGod: Thanks a lot.. :)
Dont stress my patience.. hehehe.. He's trying to save himself by saying thts MY english.. well that is cute.. Why do i sound like a girl!
stressing my patience....lolzz

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