Vacations in Summer...Arrrgghhh... :(

Comes April and it is the time for exams and semesters to wind up. Time to dump your books and enjoy Vacations....

But I really don't understand why should we be having vacations in Summer..??? I mean summers are so hot. I just don't feel like going out anywhere in this sunny weather..So what is the use of having vacation...??Even if I go out, the skin gets all sun burnt. It is not at all pleasant to go out in this weather...Leave alone vacationing. The only place apt for summer vacations would be some cool, cool hill-station.. Else, it can be a total disaster.

Imagine if we had vacations in Winter...Wow... It would be so lovely... Firstly , I would love to sleep till late on cool winter mornings... Then wake up lazily, roam about, have fresh fruits for breakfast and then just go out and enjoy in the pleasant weather outside... Though winters in Mumbai are not so freezing cold, it is the best part of the year according to me... Not for studying or completing assignments.. But just go out for a vacation..!!!

What If we had vacations in Monsoon...?? That would also be great because during monsoons, it is entirely the opposite of what happens in Winter...!! I enjoy the rains but the thought of going out to colleges in monsoons...all drenched up... walking through water blocked lanes... Hmm.. I don't think any more description is needed...Right..?? So whenever it rains, I just feel that all schools and colleges should give vacations and let the students be at home..

But things always do not go as I want them.. (Thankfully.... Or else it would be a mess... :P ) Vacations have been, are and will continue to be during the summers... and in a way.. I Love them too... After all.... Its only during our student life that we get such long vacations...

P.S. These days I am on vacations and at home. So enjoying the most but also missing my college and friends...

Ohh God.. Why is there a "But" in most of my statements..?? :P :)


Beyond said…
Apt, Bombay should have vacations while it rains.. though move out to hill stations with friends to enjoy your vacations. That's what you do when you are in college.
rohini said…
nice take on vacations....this time for the first time i m going to delhi(my parents place) in summer vacataions...and wish to enjoy thouroughly....Vacations are boring unless we have smthing interesting lined up...
Anonymous said…
Vacations summer main hote hain kyunki they dont want us to step put :P;) heheheeheh..jus kidng ..whichever season , vacations always means long sleeepppp , munching n talking n relaxing ..bus season changes are jus small matter ..hai na ?
Freelancer said… work anytime of the year for me! just get me away from college
Warm summers, cool hills,
afternoon siestas, midnight swims..
Summer vacations aren't all that bad either :D
Gautam said…
Think about it this way..if you don't want to go out in hot summer and on vacation time, think about how bad it would have been to work in it!
As for which season is best for vacations..I will take them anytime!! :D
tk cr!
buckingfastard said…
college vacs r soo scary...its like u hav to plan thruout da year to keep urself entertained for these vacs...i suppose vacations shud be time wen college shud be open but no classes whud take place
Urvashi said…
@Rajat: Hmm..u r would be best during monsoons.. :) :)

@Rohini : Hey thts nice...Enjoy ur vacations at Delhi...

Do blog n let us know what u do there.. . :)

@Adreamygal : hmm...thts me to seasons dont matter.... :) ;)

@freelancer : u need vacations to b away 4m :) May ur wish be granted soon.. :P :D

@Shaunak : hey wonderful lines yaar.. Hv a ahppy Summer.. :) :)

@Gautam : hmm..ur point is alos rite... Summer is really a bad time to work better to chillax at home.. :) :) TC :)

@BF : hmm.... Long vacs are really borringg if there are no plans.....

"i suppose vacations shud be time wen college shud be open but no classes whud take place.." what a thought..!!! Lets gv suggestion at college.. :) ;)

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