I am on STRIKE..!!!

Hieee all.. No..Don't go by the title... I am not protesting against anything or going on any hunger strike. .(I can't even imagine that..!! :P)

Today I am back with the latest tag on Blogsville..

A tag which I found on most of the blogs and it was so interesting that I hit the "CTRl + C" and "Ctrl + V" and here it is....

Its very simple... You just strike out the things from the list which you have not done yet...and the list goes as.....

1. Graduated high school.
2. Kissed someone.
3. Smoked a cigarette.
4. Got so drunk you passed out.
5. Rode every ride at an amusement park. (I am scared of most of them..)
6. Collected something stupid.(Used recharge vouchers, train tickets, shells at shores…hmmm.. need anything more..??)
7. Gone to a rock concert.
8. Helped someone.
9. Gone fishing. (Naaa..not yet)
10. Watched four movies in one night. (Movies and Me…?? Far apart..!!! It takes me four nights to complete watching one.. :P)
11. Lied to someone.
12. Snorted cocaine.
13. Smoked weed.
14. Failed a subject.
15. Been in a car accident.
16. Been in a tornado.
17. Watched someone die. (It's really horrifying...)
18. Been to a funeral.
19. Burned yourself.(Everytime while frying something…!!)
20. Run a marathon.
21. Cried yourself to sleep.
22. Spent over 10,000 bucks in one day.
23. Flown on an aeroplane.
24. Cheated on someone.
25. Been cheated on.
26. Written a 10 page letter.
27. Gone skiing.
28. Been sailing. 
29. Cut yourself.
30. Had a best friend.
31. Lost someone you loved.
32. Got into trouble for something you didn’t do.
33. Stolen a book from the library.
34. Gone to a different country. 
35. Watched the Harry Potter movies. ( Such a hyped character.... I just don't like him..... )
36. Had an online diary. (Had..??? I have... Just created..!!)
37. Fired a gun.
38. Gambled in a casino.
39. Been in a school play.
40. Been fired from a job. (Just started with my first job :P )
41. Taken a lie detector test.
42. Swam with dolphins.
43. Voted for someone on a reality TV show.
44. Written poetry.
45. Read more than 20 books a year.
46. Gone to Europe. (How I would Love to...)
47. Loved someone you shouldn’t have.
48. Used a colouring book over age 12.
49. Had a surgery.
50. Had stitches.
51. Taken a Taxi.
52. Had more than 5 IM conversations going on at once.
53. Been in a fist fight.
54. Suffered any form of abuse.
55. Had a pet. 
56. Petted a wild animal.
57. Had your own credit card & bought something with it.
58. Dyed your hair.
59. Got a tattoo...
60. Had something pierced. (Just ears….!! M too afraid of piercing..!!)
61. Got straight A’s.
62. Known someone personally with HIV or AIDS.
63. Taken pictures with a webcam.
64. Lost something expensive.(So far..only gold earrings or should I say earring…I lost one out of the pair..!! )
65. Gone to sleep with music on. (Many..many times…!!)

I pass this tag on to all those who love doing TAGS..!! :) Enjoy and do leave me a comment if you are taking this up..!! :)

Have a great week..!! :)


deepa kashyap said…
oops i was thinking what made you to go for a strike till i read the next line :P
well a long list but its interesting to know there are lots of things still not done by you :)
nice one :)
p.s can't take this, as just finished two tags :P well but will surly do it after some posts :)

keep smiling :)
rohini said…
thats a nice tag...and interesting too..:)
Fired a gun....... WHEN

interesting stuff out here .........
Anish Patel said…
here it is.... http://anipateldreams.blogspot.com/2010/07/wish-list.html

and i would like to more about fired a gun.... :) ... do you mean real gun.. the gun which can kill someone...!!!!!
Urvashi said…
@Deepa : hehe...I m not on any strike dear..!! :) :P

would b waiting to read ur tags.. I always love them... TC :)

@rohini : thnks.. :) hey, smart pic..!! :)

@Rakesh @Anish : Gun ka case was like it was a gun but I dont think the bullets could kill anyone.. it was actually in some resort where you had this game to fire from the gun n burst all balloons.. it was some target game... so I had used gun out there..!! ;)
Gautam said…
Harry Potter overhyped?? Noooooo!! :(
If you have read the books and still say it then I respect your opinion but if u haven't then do go ahead and try them out.
He is not the best character in the series (Severus Snape hands down!) but I lovvvee the books (while the movies suck).
R. Ramesh said…
interesting...keep up the cheers friend:)

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