Missing you too.....

"Hiee.. How are you..?? Hope you remember me..??"

"Yeah..Of course...I do... I mean how can I forg...???"

"Why can't you..???"Just look at the number of times you have visited me in the past two months..."

"So what dear..?? I have been busy all this while.. You know it right...??"

"Yeah..Your priorities have changed..."

"No.. It's not about priorities.. You are still on my priority list ... It's just that sometime I can't spend as much time with you & so..."

"There you go explaining....I don't want to hear them.. Stop them please.. I'm happy the way I am... You can be happy with what you like."

"You know that you are very important to me... How can you think of me like that...??"

"Then what should I think..?? Remember in the beginning we spent so much of time together & now you have no time only.. So what else should I think...??"

"Hmm.. I understand what you mean & I know that I have been away for a while now. But seriously, things around are so difficult that I am not able to devote more time for you.. I promise that it won't happen in the future...!! We would be as close as much as we had been earlier... in the beginning.. I am seriously longing for that time to be back.."

"I am missing you.... "

"Me too Dear Blog..!!!!!"

P.S.: Just thought that if my blog could speak, what all accusations it would have made on me for being so irregular here these days..!! :P :D

Hmm..But as I said, it has been a bit of tight schedule & I would soon be back with more posts, more frequently and also with more comments on all your blogs too..!!

Missing you.. TC :)


Arpit said…
Emotional kar diya yar.. :|

welcome back!
pRasad said…
You girls do actually treat a blog like a guy :)
Harish P I said…
If such good posts are what we get when you return, we dont mind an occasional absence. :-)
Ordinary Gal said…
lol@ Prasad's comment :D

miss u too Urvashi...come back soon :)
Anish Patel said…
Thankfully my blog is not emotional as yours .... :) ... I haven't written since month n still not feeling anything to write...

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