The Changing Times......

I feel that all is over,
I feel that all is gone...
But then it is just the beginning....

I feel that I am near,
I even feel that I have got it..
But then I find it's gone...

Just sometimes..
I feel that I should leave it all..
Just walk away from all harsh realities..
But then I do come back in this world of dreams...

Hiee All.....

How are you doing..?? Hope that the month of Valentine had been pleasant & full of love for you. Talking about my above lines of creation, I have written them with some purpose & meaning.

But before I tell that I would like to know how do you all interpret it..?? What am I talking about according to you..??I would be waiting for your creative ideas & views. It would even help me to broaden my thinking horizons.

So please do share your views & I'll be back soon next time with what I meant about those few lines there...


Harish P I said…
Sometimes you are unexpectedly gifted a new lease of life, sometimes you dont even get what you deserve. but that is the fun. isnt it? That is what makes life an interesting thing to live.
Phewww said…
hey urvashi...back with a bang??? ;)

nice poem btw... n m not good at interprettin poems..but i liked it...

sometimes i feel like commentin..but when i type, its gone frm my mind...why????? khe khe... kiddin okay....
Anish Patel said…
R you in LOVE ???

If not then I guess you r not fully enjoying job... it seems routine and you bored of that??

and yes, Nice poem.... keep it coming....
Anonymous said…
Ummm as far as I know , you have always seen the lighter side and good at giving a twist :P So this time , something unexpected thing is on the way I guess :P
Anonymous said…
how i interperate your lines may be differ 4m ur thoughts. Like u r running after success and its runnin AWay 4m you. U want to quit but you find urself again in the pursuit of that.
Mingled Minds said…
hey der... long tym..gud to c u back... well the month of valentines was a pretty relaxed one for me.. hop it went well for u too..
hmmm.,,i would interpret the poem to be somewhat based on the harsh realities of life where u r expctations are always high and when the reality strikes u kno its nothing but just passing time..
good one in betweenn :)
good eve!!
Urvashi said…
@Harish: Yeah you have a good point there... Thats perhaps why life is so mysterious for usat every step. Nothing can be palnned i nthis Game.. Isn't it..??

@Anoop: Hey Thanks...

I'll let u know the interpretation too.. :)

@Anish: Hmmm... Its not about Love..

But yeah about my job n u r absolutely correct. I like it but at itmes i find it boring because of all those formalities n opertional aspects n thats exactly wat I meant..!!Its all a combination of opportunities,hopes, dreams & sometimes just plain routine. Sometimes then I feel my work is not at all interesting. I should be doing something else but then I am back again to square one...At the point exactly where I was earlier.

U r great at interpreatation of thoughts, I must say..!! :)

@ADreamyGal: Hmmmm.. A twist here too..?? No.. I could't bring any here.. Its about my after college life only dear.. :)

@Vijay: To the point. Exactly what I meant. :)

@Mingled Minds: Hey nice to read ur comment too.. :)

About the interpretation.. U r right but I had only my current phase of career in focus n not the whole life but somehow its universal too... its true at every stage we go through... Isn't it..???

Have a nice time.. TC :)

@ALL: Thank you all for ur lovely responses.. It truly made my day..! :)

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