A Day in the life of "He" & "She".. -2

-5th August 2011
As I look into your eyes,
I can't seem to look away.
I get lost into the moment,
Each and every day.

You thought I didn't like you,
You thought that I moved on,
But to tell you the total truth...
My feelings aren't gone.....

I'm still here, still waiting,
For you & me to finally be "WE"
I'll stay here for as long as it takes
For you to be with me...

I'm still here inside your heart,
I'll never give up on you,
You'll never find anyone else,
Who loves you like I do...

I'm still here just waiting,
For you to finally realize,
For us to be Together Forever,
My mistake I now realize...

-5th August,2011

Amidst raindrops & grass wet,
The evening when we met....

You made me cry,
You tore me apart,
You left me in tears,
You shattered my heart...

You entered my life with such a force,
And left it with one as strong;
And though we tried to make it last,
We both knew it wouldn't be long.

It wasn't your fault,
I guess it was me,
For love can't be forced,
Perhaps we weren't meant to be....

I've tried more than once..
To get over you,
But you make it so hard,
With memories of you...

I thought love was joy,
But I've got nothing to gain.
Just sorrow, tears,
And a little more pain.

The day the pain started,
Reality came true,
It was the day that I realized
I'll never be with you..........

And so I've learned to end this,
Without an urge to cry,
These are my final words to you,
"I love you and goodbye...."


binal said…
very painful..........
Tarang Sinha said…
A beautiful poem crafted nicely.
Sh@s said…
Both the poems are truly beautiful of pain, remorse, hurt and wait.
Keep it up!
Arpit said…
Awesomely Amazing Poems!!!!

*Fantastic* :)

Happy Blogging! :)
Anish Patel said…
:) ... :( ....

Pls write more...
Vinay Gudi said…
I was speechless after reading ur poem...
Matchless words... expressing the emotion & pain...

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