
I called up my brother last night to ask where he was, as he was late.. His cell was busy.. My call on waiting..

Tried again after 5 minutes... Again on waiting...!!

He called up after a while, "Could you not wait on the line? I was going to receive your call..!!"

Of course I had been waiting. Waiting for him to answer... And he asks me to wait more..!!!

WAIT.... one four letter word but definitely has wider presence..!!

We all wait for something or the other. Sometimes it is conscious waiting, sometimes we do not even realise we have been waiting..!! Right from the time we are born, yes even that minute is awaited by our parents, we keep on waiting and waiting and waiting......

For me, time does not seem to pass while waiting... I always end up looking at my watch just to find the hands moving at a snail like speed..!!!

Just a small....wait...not small...just a list of situations where I wait-

In the morning, wait for my eyes to open.....

I get ready and wait for the lift...

Wait for the bus, train..

Wait for the lectures to start and then wait for attendance and then wait for the lecture to end...!!

Wait to bunk...

Wait to talk to my friends about what I did yesterday...

Wait at the canteen to place my order..

Wait to get it...

Wait to get the book issued in library..

Wait to be back home...

Wait to have lunch made by mom.....

Wait to rest and catch up a book to read...!!

Wait for SMS'es to beep my cell up..!!

Wait to chat...

Wait to check my mails...(In short I have to wait for using my PC.... I wait because once I use it, I need it for a long time... so I wait to complete all other things before I switch it on..!! )

Wait to update my blog (I had been waiting for this time since a week..!!)

Wait to get the responses..

Wait for my exams to get over..

Wait for the results.....

Wait to hang out with friends...

Wait for vacations..

Wait for classes to begin again when the vacations are too long.....

Wait for wishing birthdays at the strike of midnight...

I guess you are waiting for this list to get over... ;)

Yeah..I am done with it 4 today...!!

P.S.: I actually wrote this while waiting for someone..!!! Did not know waiting could result in something so long till I started writing..!!!


Ganesh_Dalal said…
Will not keep you waiting for the response... another good thought from U..
I appreciate the way you come up with ideas...
Freelancer said…
now wait for the comments to come pouring in
Meow said…
Wait :)sensible posht :)
Karthik Kotresh said…
lol... :D
there is one more thing that gets on my nerves: waiting for the site to open while working on a computer with low bandwidth. :P
Can wait for someone at a bus stop for 30 mins, but can't wait sitting in front of computer for 30 secs. :P
Very well written. Was a fun read. :-)
Stupidosaur said…
So we are all waiters eh?
Pls give me tip.
The Illuminator said…
Than god I didn't have to wait much.
Anoop said…
hmmm... wat u said is very true... some1 somewhr is waitin for somethin..al the time.. see i waited to think wat to write...n now m waiting to finish it,, :P

nice post urvashi..
m waitin for the reply... khe khe khe...
Anonymous said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said…
Yeah , was waiting for this post and now for next :D
Arjun said…
haha.. I was waiting to comment here... :P

haha... Loved the post.. :) We'r waiting forever... :)

buckingfastard said…
"aap qatar me hai!!"

well wid a country of such massive population we r grossly overwaited...

as da lyrics goes: "yes i am waiting fr da world to change!!"
Urvashi said…
@Ganesh : Thanks..!!

@Freelancer: Yes..did wait n got some comments too..!! :)

@Meow: Thnk u !!

@Karthik: You r right...waiting for the page to load can be irksome wen the connection is slow..!!! thank u..!! :)

@Stupidosaur: ohh...those who wait- waiters..!!! ;)
u coined up a nice term there..!! Thank u :)

@Illuminator: U dint have to wait much...thts nice..!! :)

@Anoop: Hiee...
U r correct...some1 somewhere is waiting 4 somethin always..!!

thnk u... sorry got a bit late to reply..!! TC :)

@ adreamygal: Thnks dear..!! :)

@Arjun: Waiting.. Thank u..! :)

@Buckingfastard: Grossly overwaited.....hmm..rite...!!

waitng 4 d world 2 chng, hope it chngs soon..!! :)
HaRy!! said…
P.S says why yu wrote abt WAIT :) !! kalakal
Jai said…
wait----- :)
Waiting is not something to feel bad about. I believe waiting gives you some precious moments to think, introspect and realise.
:) have fun
Nανєєη said…
wait for it ...

wait for it ...

wait for it ...

yeah waiting sucks !!!!
binal said…
hmm....really we always wait 4 smthng in life!!!
but this wt life is right??
if we wnt wait we wnt get...!!!

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