Johny Johny Reloaded..!!!

We have all heard this-

Johny, Johny...
Yes Papa...
Eating sugar.. ??
No Papa..
Telling lies... ??
No Papa..
Open your mouth....

But do you know what happens next...??

When Johny goes to school-
Johny, Johny...
Yes Mamma...
Reading comics...??
No Mamma....
Telling lies..??
No Mamma...
Show me your text book...

When Johny gets a job-
Johny Johny
Yes Papa..
Pvt Company..?
Yes Papa..
Any Motivation..??
No Papa..
Do u Sleep well??
No Papa..
On site Opportunity..
No papa..
Ha ha ha :)

When Johny was married-
Johny, Johny....
Yes sweetheart....
Shall we go out?
Busy Sweetheart...
You don't love me..!!!
No sweetheart... I mean...Yes..
I am leaving...
No sweetheart...
Cyaa at 8 then.....
'M coming sweetheart..!!!

When Johny had a daughter named Jenny and she was- Hmm... Read it on..

Jenny Jenny,
Yes Papa,
Chatting online..??
No Papa...
Telling lies..??
No Papa...
Lemme see your Lappy.......

Johny realised how the things which go around come around...

But this world is not of children lying to their parents about eating sugar or candies.... They have definitely become smarter and tech savvy...!! ;) What say??

P.S. :- Again a (funny) attempt to write poems...!! :)
I had started writing this a long time back...the stanza of Johny's office has been taken from a mail I had received some time ago.... To complete the poem, I could not get to a perfect ending stanza.... At last I thought of this.... How was it??


Neha said…
oh wow! this was cool!!! something diffrent from your side...loved the last one of johnny's

Darshan Chande said…
At first as I started reading it I thought you have found very interesting versions of Johny Johny... Ha! Then I come to know it's your writings... Haha... Cool! I liked the last stanza of Johny's daughter... Very true... Liked the way you delivered a message too, not keeping it just a fun thing :)
Anoop said…
Johny's dotter is cooool... khe khe khe...
it is nice... :D
Siddhesh Kabe said…
Superb imagination...yaar...ossum....the transation from Jonny jonny to jenny jenny is simply ossum!!!
Siddhesh Kabe said…
Superb imagination...yaar...ossum....the transation from Jonny jonny to jenny jenny is simply ossum!!!
Harini said…
Hehehe... What you said in the last line is so true. Anyways Johnny and his jenny poem was very funny :P
Karthik Kotresh said…
lol.. :D This was funny. Very innovative. And yeah, you are right. Children have become smarter and tech savvy.
Wonderfully written. :-)
Gautam said…
I am sure many more years down the line Johnny's conversation with his granddaughter will not be in person but on the Facebook wall!! :)
oRange* said…
lol, that was cute! creative additions :)
Ordinary Gal said… was cool...nice write up :)
Guria said…
Too cool... really good insights... and super rhyming!
Rachit Goel said…
That was nice...something that uplifted my spirits for tommorow's exam... :P

C my blog at
Anurag said…
helloz..first timer on ur blog..but I kinda know u frm TWL and stephen especially ;)

Really cute post...itne version johny ke first time sunne :D ..But I kinda don't agree with ur last para...children still do lie to their parents..Ofcourse they are tech. savvy..but lying kabhi band nahin hone waali :P
Rohit Dassani said…!! Jonny must be amazed if he looked at these....!! :P
Yayathy said…
How poor Johnny is?
Arjun said…
hahaha... 'Wow' is the word... Creative and funny... :D

Loved it, really..!!

Weirdo guy said…
Hey just chanced upon your blog... love the creativity.. cheerio !
Chithira Menon said…
really good...especially the jenny part..:)
buckingfastard said…
soo tru!!! surely textbooks shud change dat rhyme to jenni's part....its much more relevant!!!
Urvashi said…
@Neha : Yeah...tht Jenny's part ws the one I liked the most tooo... :) Thanks..!!

@Darshan : Thanks....!!! Yes, wanted it to be somethin different... conveyin a came up wid this..!!

@Anoop: Thanks Anoop... TC :)

@Ravan : Thank u..!! :)

@Harini: Glad u liked Jenny... :)

@Karthik : Thank u :)

@Gautam : Woww... now thts also innovative.. n true too seeing the rapid increase in use of technology for communicating....

@Orange: Thank u ...for liking it and the addition to my comments too :)

@An ordianry Gal : Thnks dear :)

@Niraj : Thanks :)
Meow said…
This is (no doubt) very very interesting :) :)
Urvashi said…
@Guria : Thanks 4 dropping by.....

@Rachit : Thanks 4 visiting....U hv got a Nice blog.. I mean blogs.... ;)

@Anurag : Yeah..... Heard of u too From Stephen...u were a partner naa.... in award ceremony... ;)

Thanks... what I meant in the last para was that we no longer lie about things like sugar but sophisticated lies.....of course how can we not be lying......??? :P

@Rohit: Hmm.... it brought a smile to u..... :)

Johny has to agree to it in case he reads this... :P

I wonder what would happen if the actual poet of Johny Johny finds this insane stuff.... :P

@Yayathy: Nice name..heard it for the first time.... :)

Johny is realy a poor soul..... struggling between his job n family.... :P

@Arjun : Ohh Thank U :)

@Weirdo Guy : Thanks :)

@Chitz : Ohh.... Jenny is gettin a lot of praises..... :)

@Buckingfastard : Hmm...text books should chng it.....????

I think it wud still take some time for those cute nursery kids to understand chatting and laptops stuff though its relevant ... Bt innovative suggestion... Thanks :)
Urvashi said…
@Meow : Thanks a lot :)
Anonymous said…
dats so nice !!! I guess Johnny now dont lie after having a daughter :P lolz ...Nice post , very innovative n you have maintained dat rhyming thing till last :)good work :)
nice improvization of the age old poem. thats called creative thinking!
Ganesh_Dalal said…
Hey Urvashi, this is really a great thought. Initially I thought it is just copy paste as it is too good to believe.. This should reach wider audience.. C ya..
Urvashi said…
@adreamygal: Thanks...... :)

hmm..Johny may not lie now.. bt then the realisation cms only wen u r in the shoes of Parents naa.... as children we all lie :P

@Aditya: Thank u :)

@Ganesh : Hmm... it is not just copy paste... :P

I knew publishin it on blog would bring a great audience but even wider audience...?? Would like to know suggestions 4 the same..

TC.... Aavjo :)
Anonymous said…
hahaha..! nice.. :D :D
AS said…
hahah funny tha..but it reflected the reality :)
Sorcerer said…
haha..those were funny!!

modern day rhymes!
Sh@s said…
Very creative and it was cool. I liked the ending part.
jiths said…
that was nice..johny to jenny...
Rahul said…
Hey the reason is quite simple... Just see how much time each kid spend in front of TV now a days. We think its a good idea to keep them calm & quiet. SO they became dangerously smart!!!
vineet said…
awesum clap clap
Urvashi said…
@Vampire : Thanks 4 visitng ... Happy that it made you smile... :)

@AS : Hiee..yes.... rite :)

@Sorcerer : Hmmm...modern day rhymes..... thnks..!!

@Shas: Thank you :)

@jiths: Hmm...transition... thnk u :)

@Rahul : yes..TV n Computer taking a lot of time of students and small children spcly..... they get attracted to this tech savvy things easily.....!!

@Vineet : Thanks a lot :) :)

@All : Thank u all once again... this is the best post by far on my blog as it was the most read and most commented one..... Keep visiting :)
Jayanta Deka said…
wow... this is amazing!
really the sweet little words worked wonders! each stanza called for attention and thinking...
good going...
cheers life...
AnicA said…
one of the most refreshing pieces i've come across in recent times..... too good, especially jenny was adorable...:) awsome!!!
AnicA said…
one of the most refreshing pieces i've come across in recent times..... too good, especially jenny was adorable...:) awsome!!!

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