The Act...!!!!

“You are my happiness… You bring joy to my life... Even thinking about you brings smile on my face…. I love you, would you marry me..??”

Saying this, he went down on his knees before Sheetal , held her hand and brought out a ring from his pocket.

“Perfect…!! ” snapped Sheetal. "I want the same expressions tomorrow on stage. It’s good to have an actor like you. No one can perform this as naturally as you can…”


“Be on time then. Bye.. ” she said hurriedly and left.

Left before Aman could say that he was not acting.


Anoop said…
sad.... :(
kick tat girl... :((
Anonymous said…
dats so sad :( poor guy ...
Arjun said…
wah..!! Nice one ... :)

Pankhuri said…
Rahil said…
thank god some one is there who understands that boys also do have feelings and get heart broken..other i read blog posts where it is other way around :(
buckingfastard said…
as dey say.... sad but true!!
Darshan Chande said…
Beautiful :) Is it as a part of 55-fiction that you have started...? I like this "very short" stories concept...
Urvashi said…
@Anoop: Yeah...sad...The girl cudnt really understand him..!! :(

@Ravan : Thank u..! :)

@dreamygal: hmm....

@ Arjun : Thanks..!!

@ An Ordianry Gal : Thank u..!!

@Pankhuri: Hmm...Poor guy..wasnt able to put across his feelings..

@Rahil: Ohh...sad :(
I definitely beleieve k boys have heart but just that sometimes they are not able to express their emotions the right way..!!

Thanks :)

@buckingfastard: Hmmm....sad.... 4 a chng 4m the happy ending tales..!!

@Darshan: Thanks :)

Even I liked this concept.. Wanted to fit it in 55 words but was not able jus categorised it as 'Fiction'..!!
oRange* said…
awh, sad! sweet one ya!
and i love ur blog too :)
Ganesh_Dalal said…
poor guy, is Sheetal still uncommitted???
binal said…
ohh very sad.......!!!
binal said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Karthik Kotresh said…
Nice one. Didn't expect that. :)
Meow said…
Really very interesting :)
Urvashi said…
@Orange : Thank U :)

@Ganesh : Hmm.. Sheetal k baare me..puchna padega..!! ;)

@Binal : Yeahh.......!!!

@Karthik : hmm..Thanks :)

@ Meow: Thanks dear :)
Ankita said…

wow! thats nice :)
Ekam said…
Awww.. This was sad but still it was beautiful :)
jiths said…
boys are always good at heart and sincere....
wel the proposal was the same usual one... y ppl arent creativ at least when they r proposing?!!
Puneet Thakkar said…
aajkal gals do not try to understand but its not their fault as they do not have brains to choose a correct guy
Unknown said…
Really amazing..
Sad but true..:)
Congos for getting it published..:)


Anonymous said…
Amazing Story!!! *senti*

Keep the good work up!!! :))

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