On this Friendship Day..!!

I want to wish all my friends a VERY VERY HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY and thank them for being with me at various stages in my life. You did make a difference in my life and even today if I am not in touch with you, or we don't meet or talk much, I still remember you and the times we spent together. Those moments can never be forgotten.

This story for my dear dear friends who have been my friends right since school and all through college.. For all my friends whom I met at various other places, for all my friends on this Blogosphere... n whooo... the list can go on and on.......!!

Copied hai.. ;)
But straight from the heart just 4 u..!!! :)


Esther said…
Happy Friendship day! =) And that our friendship story was so sweet!!
Ganesh_Dalal said…
waiting for next one..

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