What's that??

I came across this really wonderful and touching story in my mailbox a couple of days ago. The video is a Greek short film. Check it out. No words would be able to explain it better.

The message conveyed by the movie is that you must respect your parents and always remember that no matter how much ever you learn or earn, you can never be above them and if you think so.. Then it would just be arrogance..!! The sparrow here stands for even simple things around you today like computers, mobiles etc... Things about which maybe, you know more than people around you.

You may know more than what they know but it is they who helped you to know those things. Once upon a time... even you did not know so many things... Dint they teach it to you then? Maybe you are lucky to know these things today.

So be patient and humble about things you know, respect the people in your life who added to your store of knowledge - your parents, teachers, family and other people around you and share your knowledge......!!


neha said…
hey urvashi,

tat was reli touchy touchy video m glad u put it up here ..

most of us do take parents 4 granted and tats sad ..

this may sen relisation 2 many ..

Darshan Chande said…
I think unless you add some relevant context to the story, the film is pointless.

Children do irritating things because they are innocent. They ave not developed understanding. But grown ups, who understand things do irritating things then it certainly will irritate a sane man. What's wrong in it?

It's not about getting mad at parents. It's about getting mad at things that ARE worthy of it.

Please do not think I am against treating the parents well. It's just that this film, however touchy, fails to make a point. (According to me.)

To be honest.
Ganesh_Dalal said…
was expecting something else...
humbleness and patience are not the only keys, there are even more obstacles...
Varsha said…
yeah honestly soo many people are extremely disrespectful towards their own elders
it really breaks my heart to see such things
wonder what their hearts r made up of?
nice post
hope this message sinks in :D
Anoop said…
hey i hav seen this video too..really touchin..
good to see a blog abt it...

haf fun
Stupidosaur said…
Guess what, its not just a Greek story. In Indian folklore too, there is a story like this. I heard it long back when I was a kid. A trader is sitting at his shop writing the account book. His father is sitting nearby.

Suddenly a crow comes and sits in the shop's front porch.

Father:"Look son, a crow!"
Trader:"Yes father, a crow."

This continues a few times, till the son gets really angry, just like this movie. He is especially angry because his father's interruptions keep messing up his calculations and entries in the account books.

On listening to the scolding, the father goes to the locker and brings out a very old account book, opens a particular page and gives to the son. Every few lines a calculation or record table was interrupted with a line
"Father! A crow!"

The son understood, was touched, and asked for forgiveness.

Folklores travel all around the world by various means. SO I don't know where this plot originated from. Did it start from India and go elsewhere, or did it come to India from somewhere? Doesn't matter anyways.

I had read the story in my vernacular language, some 15-2o years back.

This movie is beautifully made too.
HaRy!! said…
ohhhh it was wonderpul!!! :) real touching , just downloaded that one now!..thanks a ton for that..and cya around tooo.. blogrolled yu!
Urvashi said…
@ Neha: Thnks... U r rite..Sometimes we dont realise n take our parents for granted... So, let the things change :)

@ Darshan: Abt the movie, it was something tht touched me.. Of course, Everyone would have a different point to make over the movie.

I have heard that after a certain age, the behaviour of grown ups turns out to be like small children. They can be sometimes more intriguing, sometimes even stubborn over things ....Hence they hv to be taken care of like children.. Sometimes that can be irritating.... Nothing wrong with it.

Liked to know ur views over the film. TC :)

@ Ganesh : Again,I just wanted to share the video.... just a couple of points interpreted by me.. There can surely be many other things n views....!! Thanks , TC :)

@ Varsha : Thnks... yeah...its really sad to see such things.... We shd be more respectful.

@ Anoop: Thank u :)

@ Stupidosaur : Thanks for the piece of information. I dint know abt the Indian folklore based on the same lines.. It ws good to know about it.

@ HaRy: Wonderpul?? Well Thank U :) Cyaa.....
workhard said…
The video did not load on my page but what u wrote is so true.. u can never be above ur parents...

How to make a website
Unknown said…
Have seen dis video long back...its really wonderful...

The message is loud nd clear...thanx 4 sharing :-)
Unknown said…
Realy wonderful video...v hv to be patient wid our parents..

Thanx 4 sharing...btw its written on my b'day 5 yrs ago :-)

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