Fear it..?? Try it..!! :)

Superb, sparkling silver and stylish... Wowwww...They look so great...!!

But would I be able to carry it off properly..??

This was the fear I always had when I looked at pencil heels...!! I found them really attractive and if someone would wear it , I would really admire her because it was like a fantasy for me to wear those type of sandals and walk properly in them.. (without falling..!!)

I have always been wearing box or platform heeled sandals but wanted to try pencil heels since long. Whenever I thought of buying it , the next thought would be, but how would I walk in them and considering the number of times I have to get down or climb steps at home, bus, college etc , I always let go off the thought for the time being..

But last month when I went shopping with my aunt, she encouraged me to buy those sandals. Back home I was pretty excited about it. They were silver and had 2 inch pencil heels.I loved it. But my mom was very apprehensive about me wearing those sandals.

At last after the numerous scoldings-cum-warnings from Mom and some tips from my sister, I tried them and guess what...?? I could manage it perfectly well.. I dint even trip over once in them(And I was even wearing a Saree that day..!!)... Though I had to be careful in the beginning while I was walking, I got used to it in a while..!! :)

My fear has vanished I would definitely buy more of those pairs in the future...!!Now this was a small incident about a small fear I had and how I overcame it.

I have heard many a times from people around that when you fear something... you must not give it up.. Instead, you should go ahead and try it..What do you stand to lose..??Even I have given this piece so many times to my cousins while they find something difficult or afraid to try but sometimes forget to apply those for myself...!!

We humans are really ironical at times...!! What say..??


he he he...mission accomplished..great!! WEll even i have a fear of water and heights...and trying to overcome...coz thats life...what say?
Siddhesh Kabe said…
I fear commitment... and i hope the day i climb the stage to marry, i won't collapse!!!
yeah we aure are ironical
Harini said…
Ok! This will be my inspiration to try them on :P.
deepa kashyap said…
yet i didn't tried the pencil heels :P
your post encouraged me to do so :)

well i have fear of heights i can't look down from even 3-4 floors feel like if i will fell down trying to overcome as no options left (right now living on 4th floor:( )
Ashwin said…
I bet you would have been able to carry it off really well. I totally do agree with you on this...

And the best way to get over fear is face it... :p... and as they say in a famous ad .. Dar ke aage jeet hai... and U have actually won over your heels... ;)

buckingfastard said…
OMG how can girls balance on such sharp heels!! i trip even on my sports shoe..beat dat
Gautam said…
I had a cousin who always got scared shouting ghosts when I dragged him to steal sweets from my grandpa's ancestral house which had no electricity and was a total horror house at nights. I always told him the worst a ghost can do is kill you and then you would become a ghost too and then you can kick that ghost's a$# all life long!! :D
Ganesh_Dalal said…
I can relate it to many things I have faced. But the irony is I always forget the lesson...
Ordinary Gal said…
Congrats to u for overcoming from fear :)

I am afraid of Dogs :D
Unknown said…
Yeah!! Ironical..:)

Task well accomplished.
Pencil heels look as if sum1 has to perform belle wearing that.
2 inches is so small.
Try 4 inches..:P

No fears..:)


vineet said…
pure girly stuff, pencil heels actually need to b tried coz dey draw a lot of attention bt are dey really comfortabl..nywaz nice wrk n god to read such a simple incident narrated so beautifully
sulagna said…
oyeee happy happy birthday..i toh have forgotten when was my blogs birthday:)
happy birthday pretty blog

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